Court 1719 Projects
Parkland Baby Caps
The ladies of Court 1719 make baby caps throughout the year for the babies born at Parkland Hospital.
Rosary Making for Missionaries
Catholic Daughters get together to make rosaries to send to Missionaries in the Middle East.
Dallas Children's Hospital
Whenever we have a get together, Christmas Party and our Summer Event, we bring toys. The toys are donated to the Childrens Hospital.
Dallas LIFE is a fully thriving independent non-profit organization that is much more than a shelter -- it is a church, school, and recovery center. We volunteer at
the homeless shelter in downtown Dallas throughout the year to serve meals or sort donated clothing.
Veterans Hospital
On the 4th Wednesday of the month, our members play VA Bingo. Snacks and phone cards are provided and the prizes for Bingo provide basic human services. We also participate in the annual VA carnival where we provide donated personal items that the veterans can “fish” for as a game. We make over 100 gift bags and they go quickly.
The American Wheelchair Mission is a non-profit organization with a goal to deliver brand new, free wheelchairs and mobility aids to physically disabled children, teens and adults throughout the world who are without mobility or the means to acquire a wheelchair. The American Wheelchair Mission will continue to change the lives of entire families with the gifts of hope, dignity, freedom and independence.
The North Texas Food Bank is a social benefit organization located in Dallas Texas. The organization distributes donated, purchased and prepared foods through a network of nearly 1,000 feeding programs. They sell food for pennies to nonprofits that run out of food. A portion of the funds we obtain each year goes to the North Texas Food Bank.
The Snowball Express changes the lives of families who have lost a loved one protecting our nation. With a portion of the funds we receive every year, we give heartbroken children who have seen their darkest hour something they need: happy new memories and love. And, your support honors the fallen that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Snowball Express is one of the few charities dedicated to the children of our nation’s fallen military heroes.