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Circle of Love


By definition, a circle is a curved line with every point equal distance from the point to the center and bound together by a common interest. The seven point program of the "Circle of Love" is bound together by the common interest - love.

The small heart in the center is taken from the logo of the HEART SPEAKS TO HEART program. By utilizing this portion of the logo and part of the Heart Speaks to Heart program that is compatible with the Circle of Love, a smooth transition occurs.

The Cross and Crown in the center of the heart is the national symbol of the Order- the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

The seven points selected indicate the needs of the Church and community best served by the Catholic Daughters. The program itemizes these needs with suggestions on how Catholic Daughters can effectively serve.  The seven points of the program Leadership, Legislation, Quality of Life, Spiritual Enhancement, Youth/JCDA, Education and Family are bound together by Love.  Each Court selects programs they feel will serve the needs of the community they serve, a way to make a difference in the lives of those who are suffering around them

Teacher Writing a Formula on a Blackboar


It has been said that education literally means "a drawing out" of a person's talent as well as "a putting in" of knowledge or instruction. Each year the local courts sponsor an education contest with the winning entries being submitted onto the state level. Those winning entries are then submitted for the national contest.


At the Synod of Bishops held on the command of Pope Francis at the XIV Ordinary General Assembly in Vatican City June 23, 2015, our Holy Father stated that “The family is truly the ‘school of humanity’ which is much needed today.” He called upon the Synod of Bishops to reflect upon the critical and invaluable reality of the family.

The National Board of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas reflected on the words of Pope Francis and added the Family spoke to the Circle of Love in 2015. Goals for the Family spoke are: Supporting the role and dignity of the family and discerning ways the Church and society can renew a commitment to the family founded upon the marriage between a man and a woman.

Family in Church
Portrait of Young Businesswoman


A few years back, Bette Midler had a hit with a song called "You are the Wind Beneath My Wings." This song is really about leadership because it is the leader who is the inspiration that allows others to "fly higher than an eagle." Dedicated and inspired leadership over the last 100 years in the Catholic Daughters has kept CDA the largest Catholic women's organization in the world. You, as a member of CDA, have the opportunity to learn the skills and techniques of leadership and implement your talents as a future leader. You will be the wind beneath the wings of others and "let (them) fly so high, they will almost touch the sky!" Consider becoming a leader in CDA!

Hopefully, this will give you the skills and confidence to step forward to become an officer in your local court. In so doing, you will become one of those leaders who have vision and get others to share that vision. You will be the inspiration for others to follow.


Our obligation is to become better informed on public issues, addressing the morals and human dimension, while supporting church teaching on human life, human rights, justice and peace.


Operation Morning Star is a program of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas to Our Lady under her title Morning Star, to encourage Catholic women to speak out in the legislative arena.

US government building
Grandma's Healing Touch

Quality of Life

Quality of Life (Social Awareness) - issues of our national program are the heart of our ministering to the needs of all peoples. We are called to reach out with compassion and support, to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow and sickness.

Spiritual Enhancement

The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is primarily a service organization; however, service for the sake of service can become burdensome and more of an obligation than a joy. That is why the Spiritual Enhancement component of the Circle of Love is so important. Through the spiritual program in each local and state court, we help our members to nourish and develop their relationships with God. Out of those developing relationships comes the realization of God's love and everlasting mercy, and because of that realization, the desire to serve Him by serving His people grows. Our service, then, becomes the way we witness our faith and share God's love with a hurting world. Because of His guidance and support, we can serve with joy and faithfulness. 

In the Spiritual Enhancement section of the Circle of Love, you will find ways to provide opportunities for your members to spend time with God. You will find ideas for enhancing personal sanctification as well as suggestions for involving your members in the spiritual life of their parishes and communities. It is important that your court's Spiritual Enhancement Program helps your members to understand that they are truly a sisterhood and that they need to be church to one another before they can be church to others. ​

Kids in Art Class


Tomorrow's promise lives in today's youth for they will be the leaders, the citizens and the church of tomorrow. In responding to their needs today, we shape a better future for all. It is the mission of the Youth Program to nurture personal and spiritual growth; to promote service to others and to foster an awareness and appreciation of diversity through a variety of suggested activities and experiences.

The Catholic Daughters established the Junior Catholic Daughter program in 1926. It is a program for Catholic girls from 6 to 18 years of age. The goals and objectives of the JCDA program are divided into a Threefold Program of: Message; Service; and Community. For information about the JCDA program, contact the National Catholic Daughter office.

The Youth are an important part of our organization. We as Catholic Daughters need to nourish the spirit of the youth to ensure the continued growth of the Catholic Church and our organization.

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